Machines for Bar Soap / Soap Noodles

Milindia offers its latest technology to produces different types of bar soap that can meet varied demands in this fast and competitive market and help soap producers sustain and lead in the market.

Soap Producers can go for Milindia soap plants to produce

  • - Pure Soap Bars / Pure Soap Noodles
  • - Swing Soap Bars / Swing Soap Noodles
  • - Filled Soap Bars / Filled Soap Noodles
  • - Translucent soap / Translucent Soap Noodles
  • - Syndet Soap

For production of soap noodles or soap bars from soap making oils such as Palm Oil, Palm Stearine ,Palm Kernel Oil etc. , we offer our < Batch> Batch Saponification consisting of Soap Crutcher's and <-CONSAP> Continuous Saponification Process plants consisting of high recirculation pumps and multi tube reactors for efficient mixing and homogenised neat soap which is then fed in our <-Dry> Vacuum Dryer plants to produce Soap Noodles / Soap Bars.

The Soap Noodles Plant / Soap Bars plant capacity ranges from 1,000 KGs Per Hour to 12,000 KGs Per Hour The Soap Noodles from <-Dry> Vacuum Dryer plants is then processed in our < Nahan>Toilet Soap Finishing line. This line consists of our standard finishing line configuration of Double Sigma Mixer > Simplex Refiner > Triple Roll Mill > Duplex Finishing Plodder > Soap Cutter > Soap Stamping Machine.

This configuration is the universal soap manufacturing configuration and helps customer manufacture soap bars from any type of Soap Noodles available in the market. This Configuration is a must if the soap noodles are not fresh.
Customer have the option to go for add-ons systems for like Pneumatic Noodle Conveying and Dosing System / Colour - Perfume or any other ingredient that needs to be added in the Double Sigma Mixer to automate the process of soap manufacturing. Our < Nahan> Soap Finishing line capacity range from 1000 Kgs per hour upto 4,000 Kgs per hour